Perfect to add a pops of colour around your home, display in a series or for gifts and now you have the choice of selecting a collection of 3 limited edition artworks from our petite prints collection.

These archival quality prints are made using the highest quality museum grade pigment inks and are available on textured fine art paper. The inks and paper are designed to last for generations. Each fine art reproduction is colour proofed by Michelle and hand signed & dated at the base with edition number and title.
The listed print sizes refers to the dimensions of the image, and each print has an additional 30/40mm unprinted border. There are three frame options, black & white which are 20Wmm x 30Dmm with a 20mm setback behind the glass. We also have a raw oak option that is 20Wmm x 20Dmm with a 10-15mm setback behind the glass. 
The framed size of each art print is: 340mm wide x 350mm high.