Two Tarns near Lake Sylvester, Kahurangi National Park, New Zealand
Original acrylic painting on cedar framed board
By Michelle Bellamy
1000 x 500mm
Completed 2023
Available as a limited edition print of 150
The Kahurangi National Park is the second largest national park in New Zealand and holds some of the most diverse and spectacular scenery. From remote beaches that appear topical, to wild rivers, caves, stunning mountain rock formations and beautiful tarns within the high basins. The area is also home to wide range of wildlife from interesting plants, rare native birds to the largest snail in the world the Powelliphanta.
Lake Sylvester is nestled above the Cobb Reservoir at 1325m above sea level and these two tarns are situated alone to the south east of the lake. This painting has been in progress since a visit to the area in 2020. The walk to Lake Sylvester is not too strenuous so we took the young children up there, and explored the area for the day.
We waded through a abundance of chest high speargrass and flaxes to get to these little tarns off in the distance as the kids rode above the prickles and spears high on our shoulders. We arrived at the tarns late in the evening as the sun was starting to fall, casting long heavy shadows between the tussocks. Once the sun left us and dusk fell we dropped down a trapping line to the reservoir for a arduous walk along the edge of the water in the dark.